
Healthy Beings - Smart Story


Goals are designed to help you find the next steps to accomplish something. However, setting goals without intention can inhibit your progress. One way to ensure your goals are purposeful is to set SMART goals.    SMART stands for   Specific  Measurable  Achievable Relevant  Time-Bound   Specific When setting a goal, you want it...

Healthy Beings Shoulder Flexibility

Shoulder Flexibility Test

What Is the Shoulder Flexibility Test  The shoulder flexibility test is a simple measurement of the flexibility and mobility of the shoulder joint. Adequate range of motion in the shoulder is important for injury prevention and athletic performance, especially for those who take part in activities requiring lifting, pushing, pulling,...

Healthy Beings - Sneaky Ways to Include Movement

Sneaky Ways to Include Movement in Your Day

Fitting time to exercise into your schedule is not an easy task. What if you could sneak movement into your day that would help you stay active no matter what you are doing? Here are 3 tips on sneaking movement into your everyday tasks.  1. Take the stairs Elevators and...

Healthy Beings - Skin Health Tips

Skin Health Tips

Our skin is the largest organ of the body. When our skin is in poor condition, it is usually caused by a deeper-rooted issue or imbalance within the body. Optimal hydration, a diverse gut flora, balanced hormones, healthy liver function, nutrient sufficiency, physical activity, and stress management are key when...

How Covid-19 Changed My Exercise Routine

How Covid-19 Changed My Exercise Routine

I am one of those people that cannot stand going to the gym.  My brain gets bored doing repetitions of an exercise, so I’ve had to find other ways to keep active.  In the process, I have learned how to keep myself motivated to do an exercise or activity.  All of them involve a purpose or end...

My Experience with Mindfulness while Eating

My Experience with Mindfulness while Eating

Today my counselor challenged me to practice mindfulness. For those of you (including me before today) who don’t know, mindfulness is the act of being mentally present, in the moment. It is tailoring your thoughts to what is currently happening to you. What are you feeling? What are you tasting?...