
Healthy Beings - Sound Health

Music, Healing, and Your Brain

Music lifts the spirits and stimulates the mind, but the tones that form music are being investigated for their ability to treat disorders like chronic pain and anxiety. It’s not the direct effects of tones on these issues that are being investigated; rather, these tones affect the brain in such a way as to lessen...

Healthy Beings - Mercury Toxicity

Mercury Toxicity

Mercury is thought of as a planet and as a god but most importantly mercury is a heavy metal you need to know about. Exposure to mercury may happen from man-made sources including the silver chemical found in thermometers, but it is also found in the environment. Fish contain mercury because...

Why Do We Sleep?

Why Do We Sleep?

Waking up from a restful night of sleep is a great feeling. The body is restored, relaxed, and ready to start the day! But why do we need to sleep and why is it so critical for our health?   Learn more about the ways that sleep contributes to optimal health.  ...

Retraining the Brain

Retraining the Brain

The brain is a fabulously complex organ that controls every aspect of who we are and what we do, yet researchers believe we’ve only identified a small part of the brain’s full capabilities. As we continue to expand our knowledge of these abilities, we’re discovering new tools and techniques that...

What is Red LED Therapy?

What is Red LED Therapy?

People have used sunlight as a treatment for innumerable disorders over the centuries. Because of its effects on multiple systems in the body, it is used to improve everything from skin conditions to immune and mood concerns!   Red Light Therapy   Red Light Therapy (RLT) exposes the skin to...

How Does the Body Remove Toxins?

How Does the Body Remove Toxins?

The human body is capable of naturally removing toxins that can enter the body in various ways. The innate ability to address and remove toxins effectively varies from person to person and depends on how well their cells, mitochondrial, and organs function. We are exposed to more than 80,000 manufactured...